Sunday, May 3

Sunday's Hale'iwa Farmer's Market

First time to the new Hale'iwa Farmers' Market, and it was great! You'll probably see friends of yours while you shop for local food, check out the Eco-Booths, eat, and enjoy the live music.

I discovered Sea Asparagus aka: halophyte salicornia. It's very tasty, nutritious, and of course ocean-fed-salty.

Have you wondered how we here on an island could use sea water for growing crops?

Well, Wenhao H. Sun, can tell you about the Sea Asparagus he grows in Kahuku!

Sites to learn more about
Seawater Farming

Seawater Farming: A Solution for Rishing Sea Levels, Food, Fuel Crises?

Microalgae's role in Restoring our Planet

Nature's Pharmacy

Laura Shiels, ethnobotanist, shares her thoughts, " . . . Plants provide all of our basic needs. They produce our air, clean our water and give us food, medicine and material and shelter," Shiels said. "I feel that if we lose our connection with the earth, we fall out of balance with the ecosystem and with our own humanity."

Check out her Class Schedule