MRSA is something only whispered about like leprosy was. Why isn't the 'mainstream' press not talking about this horrible affliction?
When a young woman in the military recently came back from Iraq with MRSA, my friend asked me if I knew anything that could help her so I started doing research. This young woman gets a new horrible boil monthly - which then must be lanced and drained. She's in her early 20's and each time she has another boil, she's left with terrible scars along with the pain and anguish she's going through. Other military personnel are coming home with this awful disease as well.
What I found is an amazing cure, an ancient cure ~ so tell everyone you know - just in case they need the info in the future.
MRSA Watch
. . . .With standard techniques exhausted, Eddy turned to a treatment used by ancient Sumerian physicians, touted in the Talmud and praised by Hippocrates: honey. Eddy dressed the wounds in honey-soaked gauze. In just two weeks, her patient's ulcers started to heal. Pink flesh replaced black. A year later, he could walk again.
"I've used honey in a dozen cases since then," said Eddy. "I've yet to have one that didn't improve."
Eddy is one of many doctors to recently rediscover honey as medicine. Abandoned with the advent of antibiotics in the 1940s and subsequently disregarded as folk quackery, a growing set of clinical literature and dozens of glowing anecdotes now recommend it.
Most tantalizingly, honey seems capable of combating the growing scourge of drug-resistant wound infections, including group A streptococcus -- the infamous flesh-eating bug -- and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, which in its most severe forms also destroys flesh. These have become alarmingly more common in recent years, with MRSA alone now responsible for half of all skin infections treated in U.S. emergency rooms. So-called superbugs cause thousands of deaths and disfigurements every year, and public health officials are alarmed.
read the rest of the article
Manuka Honey
Veterinarian talks about Honey Cures
other possible NATURAL CURES