Thursday, November 12

MANUKA HONEY Heals MRSA and more

Recently a friend told me about an acquaintence of hers who had recently returned from serving in Iraq where she caught MRSA as many in our military do.

MRSA is a virulent staph infection, that so far antibiotics can't cure, limbs are amputated, people sometimes die from it. Maybe that's why MRSA isn't talked about much.

I searched for information and found that there IS a CURE. It's important to talk about a proven treatment for these horrible ulcerations that people often continue to get once month!

This young woman was having her infections lanced - leaving her with terrible scars. MRSA is killing people and it's unfortunate that oftentimes our Western medicine closes its eyes to natural remedies

Honey has been used for centuries to heal many ailments.

Honey Therapy Could Give Diabetics Hope when Facing Possible Amputations

Manuka honey is useful for ALL wounds.

The use of honey as a wound dressing material, an ancient remedy that has been rediscovered, is becoming of increasing interest as more reports of its effectiveness are published.

* * Celestial and other Health food stores here on Oahu carry Manuka Honey * *