Overview by Dr. Andrew Weil: The Moral Ferocity of Eating Animals
I personally became a Vegetarian decades ago - and recently a complete Vegan. Like Jonathan Foer, I was interested in healthy food because I had two small children. I read Diet For A New America among other books - and knew without doubt, that for health and humane reasons, I would never eat another animal - or sea critter again.
Eating Animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer - is another informative and memorable book like Diet For A New America is, and which I recommend to all.
"Buy products from the most progressive farmers in America. Sustainable Table's Eat Well Guide http://www.eatwellguide.org/i.php?pd=Home provides an extensive list of small farmers. We also encourage you to support Frank Reese, whose Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch is featured in Eating Animals. http://www.reeseturkeys.com/"**An Interview with Jonathan Safran Foer