Green Smoothie Revolution

Mountain of baby spinach or spring baby greens plus two bananas= delicious
1 1/2 slice fresh pineapple
1 orange
1/2″ ginger
15-20 raspberries
"We can solve well over 90% of all the chronic diseases with simple, inexpensive natural therapies." -Dr. Mercola |
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What was a sacred crop to the Incas has been classified as a "super crop" by the United Nations because of its high protein content. It is a complete protein, which means it has all nine essential amino acids. It also contains the amino acid lysine, which is essential for tissue growth and repair, and is a good source of manganese, magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorous.
What do the following conditions have in common: osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer? Give up? Experts suspect that insufficient levels of vitamin D raise your risk of getting these diseases. Unfortunately, most of us probably are vitamin D deficient.
Scientific nutrition is becoming increasingly supportive of the vegan diet and this is most evident in what is arguably the most important popular book on human nutrition for decades. Eat, Drink and be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating, the controversial book written by Walter Willett, Chairman of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, is so important because it is based on recent discoveries in nutritional epidemiology rather than on laboratory experiments.
(NaturalNews) From an internet forum: "I got both vaccines [seasonal and swine flu] on Thursday. I was 9 weeks pregnant. I miscarried on Sunday. I was told by several doctors to get these vaccines. Now I wish I followed my gut feeling and not get them at ALL!" This is not an isolated case.
Here's another report: "I feel like I had a healthy baby and I caused this by getting the H1N1 vaccine. My doctors pushed it. I researched online and there have been many miscarriages after the H1N1 vaccine but they haven't been reported since it is hard to say what caused the miscarriages."
She researched online, the only source reporting vaccination tragedies throughout the world.
Lies Under the Light of Truth
First of all, the Swine Flu is less harmful than a normal seasonal flu. Research with ferrets, real statistics released by independent researchers, as well as reports from uncorrupted medical authorities have confirmed this. The CDC and mainstream media bury that information. Instead, they circulate alarming false swine flu statistics.
But one mainstream media outlet, CBS Washington Unplugged, did inadvertently reveal true swine flu statistics. They had tried to get information from the CDC about swine flu episodes actually confirmed. The CDC skirted the issue and stonewalled them.
So they surveyed all 50 USA state medical laboratories themselves. The results were that most states had confirmed five percent or less of reported cases as swine flu. Most labs reported half or more cases were not any kind of flu! So much for hysteria.
Dr. Michael Bronze of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, stated on WebMD that the actual risk of pregnant women getting hospitalized for swine flu infections is one in 300 thousand.
The Australian/New Zealand's flu season was surveyed by American epidemiological statisticians. The data from around the middle of that flu season indicated that pregnant women are 99.97 percent sure of avoiding hospital care for any flu.
Of those few admitted and held in ICU 7.7 percent died. Not a high figure. And even those few had other health complications prior to being infected with the swine flu.
Vaccinations Are The Real Danger.
According to Dr. Russel Blaylock, retired neurosurgeon and author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, various studies have proven that artificially stimulating the immune system causes a cytokine immune reaction that damages the forming brain of a fetus.
Throw in thimerosal mercury additives as well as formaldehyde and other toxic materials delivered in the vaccines. These circulate through the fetus if a pregnant woman is vaccinated. The child can become prone to seizures, autism, schizophrenia, and a host of other neurological problems.
There is the case of Desiree Jennings, the young Washington Redskins cheerleader who was diagnosed with dystonia by doctors at John Hopkins and Fairfax Inova. They determined her dystonia, which caused chronic severe spasms and partial paralysis, was a reaction to her seasonal flu shot.
Right, she wasn't pregnant. She was also active and healthy. But her story links the miscarriage
stories to Dr. Blaylock's conclusion, "The bottom line is vaccinating a pregnant women is vary hazardous to the mother's health as well as the baby."
As for miscarriages, there has been a history of sterilization agents planted surreptitiously in vaccines intended for women in developing countries. Some vaccines were examined and recovered before further damage could be done. More at -
And now special flu jab centers are being set up for pregnant women here?
Sources for this article include:
Organic Health: Shocking H1N1 Vaccination Miscarriage Stories
Swine Flu -- One of the Most Massive Cover-ups in American History
Dr. Blaylock: Vaccine Dangers to Pregnant Women and Small Children
About the author: Paul Fassa has managed to survive the Standard American Diet (SAD) and his youthful folly by deprogramming gradually from mainstream health ideology and studying holistic health matters informally with his wife while incorporating them into his lifestyle as a vegetarian.
The use of honey as a wound dressing material, an ancient remedy that has been rediscovered, is becoming of increasing interest as more reports of its effectiveness are published.
Some schools are giving children the vaccine against their parents wishes.
The reason for this is the government-declared "emergency" situation, a "pandemic" in fact, brought on by the H1N1 virus.
But CBS reveals that the federal government withheld data that contradicted their assertions -- and only released it finally after being dogged by CBS and other reporters.
What did the data show -- the data the government was so reluctant to divulge?
It shows that the vast majority of people who have been reported as having the Swine flu -- actually did not have it at all. The government's "urgent emergency" used to justify all this vaccinating -- does not appear to be borne out by reality.
Can you say "scare tactic?"
I.F. Stone once said: "All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed." He was onto something.
. . . IMS Health, a company that supplies the pharmaceutical companies with sales data, predicts that new health reform legislation -- combined with a projected upswing in the economy -- will result in a net gain of more than $137 billion in total market sales over the next four years. The new assessment was contained in document obtained by the Huffington Post.
The extent of adverse health and environmental effects of uranium weapons contamination is not limited to combat zones in the Balkans, Iraq, and Afghanistan but includes facilities and sites where uranium weapons were manufactured or tested including Vieques; Puerto Rico; Colonie, New York; Concord, MA; Jefferson Proving Grounds, Indiana; and Schofield Barracks**, Hawaii. (excerpt from Dr. Rokke's - click continue)
**MORE evidence of DU contamination in the Hawaiian Islands coming soon
Miguel A. Altieiri
In this article, I'll reveal ten important myths about breast cancer, and the truths that can save your life.
by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
"Buy products from the most progressive farmers in America. Sustainable Table's Eat Well Guide provides an extensive list of small farmers. We also encourage you to support Frank Reese, whose Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch is featured in Eating Animals."**An Interview with Jonathan Safran Foer
Genetically modified foods are linked to toxic and allergic reactions, sick, sterile, and dead livestock, and damage to virtually every organ studied in lab animals. (See summary in Genetic Roulette.) They are banned by food manufacturers in Europe and elsewhere, yet GMOs are present in the vast majority of processed foods in the US.
The site offers an extensive list of foods by brand and category, indicating if they have GM ingredients.